About Us
بسم الله والØمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله - صلــــى الـلـه عليه وسلـم
Masjid Al-Istiqama is a mosque established as a centre of learning and a source of guidance in Toronto, Canada, with the aim of promoting the methodology of the Sahabah (companions) and the early generations of scholars of Islam to the English-speaking Muslims.

To help develop the understanding of Islam in the Muslim community as taught in the Qur'an by Allah (God) and to follow the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
To spread the teachings of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims alike in order for them to gain a better understanding of the religion.
To become a catalyst for the community in portraying true Islam.
To be a reliable source for Islamic education in Toronto and a hub for ongoing academic research.
To facilitate seminars and classes for the community.

Our Objectives
To provide the Muslim community in Toronto a religious and educational platform to further advance their studies in Islamic sciences.
To promote the concept of peace, love and unity upon the correct teachings of Islam.
To provide information regarding Islam's war on terrorism and corrupted ideologies through the appropriate channels on the internet and other marketing mediums.
To assist the Islamic community in the resolution of its religious needs.
To provide moderate and orthodox Islamic education and tutoring to children and youth in various sciences of the religion.